Katy Ann form Virginia

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann Bikini Photoshoot

Katy Ann is single, 28-years-old, and resides in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She has long blonde hair, blue/green eyes, stands 5’2” in height, and weighs 108 lbs with measurements of 32D-25-32. She has a Master’s degree in Business/Project Management and owns her own dance company. She is a self-professed tomboy and loves to ride four-wheelers, go fishing, and pretty much any outdoor activity. She loves all genres of music including country, classic rock, pop, hip hop, and R&B. She is also a diehard University of North Carolina basketball fan.